Meet our Pastor
Todd Massey

Todd is the Lead Pastor of Eureka Christian Church, where he serves alongside his wife April. They have been married since June 2008, and have two children. Their mission is to deepen people's relationship with Christ through sharing the gospel through both words and actions, locally and globally. They are dedicated to creating a welcoming church environment where individuals can find community, grow in their faith journey, and discover their God-given purpose.

Todd is an Ordained Minister and a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies. 

Prior to his pastoral calling, Todd served in the United States Marines Infantry from 2006 to 2010, leading teams during two tours in Iraq. Upon completing his military service, Todd wrestled with finding meaning and battled survivor's guilt. His journey of faith led him to surrender his life to Christ, discovering his identity and purpose rooted in God's plan. For three years, he served as pastor and director of an addiction recovery program in Raleigh, NC, where he helped individuals find healing and restoration through faith.

Todd’s life is a testament to God's transformative power and grace. His deepest desire is to share the hope found in Christ and to inspire others to live lives that reflect God's love and purpose.

Youth Leaders
Cody & Sarah Boyatt


The Board Members of Eureka Christian Church includes our Officers, Elders, Deacons, and Leaders of various church committees.

Church Officers

Ricky Joyner | Michael Wiggs | Nancy Henderson | Margaret Cook | Gina Thornton


Michael Wiggs | Preston Thorton | Jay Thorton | Ricky Joyner | Dannie Harrell 


Robert Boyatt | Angie Pfenning | Angie Joyner | Tom Britt | Johnny Britt | Barbara Britt | Phil Britt | Dawn Cox | Meredith Britt | Cody Boyatt | Dawn Williams | Bill Joyner


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